How to get to Helsinki?
The easiest and fastest way to travel to Helsinki is by plane. Helsinki is very well connected to both European airports and other airports around the world. There are also ferry connections from Stockholm, SE (~12 hours overnight) and Tallinn, EE (~2-3 hours). Please consult the my Helsinki page for more information.
The EPSC-DPS 2025 committee wishes to highlight some possible low emission means of transportation for congress attendees travelling from northeastern and central Europe.
The low emission route when travelling from central Europe is to take a train from Hamburg to Travemünde followed by a direct ferry from there to Helsinki (2 days + the time to get to Hamburg). It is also possible to take a train from Hamburg to Stockholm and a ferry from there (~2 days total travel time).
From eastern Europe there is a direct bus connection (~13 hr) between Warsaw (PL) and Tallinn (EE), from where there is a ferry to Helsinki (~3 hr).
Further details on the companies offering these means of transport can be found on and on the homepage of the Helsinki international artist programme, the latter of which was the inspiration for these ecological travel recommendations.